Atividade de Inglês com Do e Does – Anos finais

O uso correto dos verbos auxiliares do e does é um aspecto fundamental na estrutura gramatical do inglês. Eles são utilizados tanto para formular perguntas, como para construir frases negativas. Saber quando utilizar cada um desses auxiliares depende do sujeito da frase.

Do é empregado com os pronomes I, you, we, they, enquanto does é usado com he, she, it. A prática dessa estrutura ajuda os alunos a melhorarem sua compreensão da língua e a construírem frases com clareza, essencial para a comunicação diária.

A seguir, apresentamos uma série de atividades que vão permitir aos alunos praticarem a aplicação dos verbos do e does em diferentes contextos.

Atividade de Inglês com Do e Does – Anos Finais

Planejamentos de Aula BNCC Infantil e Fundamental

Responda todas as questões:

1. Associe os sujeitos ao uso correto de Do e Does.

Preencha a tabela com “do” ou “does” de acordo com o sujeito indicado:

SujeitoDo ou Does?

2. Complete as frases com “do” ou “does”:

a) _______ you have a dog?
b) She _______ not like swimming.
c) _______ they live in this neighborhood?
d) _______ your brother play guitar?
e) Where _______ she work?
f) Why _______ we need to hurry?
g) I _______ not enjoy spicy food.
h) He _______ usually finish his homework on time.
i) What time _______ the bus leave?
j) They _______ not want to come with us.

3. Transforme as frases afirmativas em perguntas:

a) He eats breakfast at 7 a.m.

b) They work late on Fridays.

c) She speaks English fluently.

d) We go to the park every weekend.

e) They live near the school.

f) He reads books in the afternoon.

4. Transforme as frases afirmativas em negativas:

a) She loves chocolate.

b) They visit their grandparents every week.

c) He does not like coffee.

d) We play video games after school.

e) I understand the lesson.

f) She sings beautifully.

5. Escolha a opção correta sobre o uso de Do e Does.

a) _______ she like ice cream?
(a) Do
(b) Does

b) The kids _______ not want to go to bed early.
(a) do
(b) does

c) _______ your parents work on weekends?
(a) Do
(b) Does

d) I _______ not remember his name.
(a) do
(b) does

6. Corrija as frases que estão incorretas:

a) Do he like pizza?

b) She do not know the answer.

c) Does they arrive early?

d) He don’t play soccer.

7. Escreva perguntas para as respostas dadas:

a) Yes, she does play the piano.

b) No, they don’t live here anymore.

c) Yes, he does know how to swim.

d) No, I don’t eat meat.

8. Traduza as seguintes frases para o inglês, usando “do” ou “does”:

a) Eles estudam inglês todos os dias?

b) Ela não gosta de assistir TV.

9. Traduza as frases abaixo para o inglês:

a) Ele trabalha em uma loja?

b) Você fala espanhol?

Questões Extras

10. Preencha as lacunas com “do” ou “does”:

a) _______ she go to the gym regularly?
b) _______ you know how to cook?
c) _______ they understand the instructions?
d) _______ he play basketball on weekends?
e) _______ your friends like to read?


She – Does
We – Do
He – Does
They – Do
It – Does
I – Do
You – Do

a) Do
b) does
c) Do
d) Does
e) Does
f) Do
g) do
h) does
i) does
j) do

a) Does he eat breakfast at 7 a.m.?
b) Do they work late on Fridays?
c) Does she speak English fluently?
d) Do we go to the park every weekend?
e) Do they live near the school?
f) Does he read books in the afternoon?

a) She does not love chocolate.
b) They do not visit their grandparents every week.
c) He does not like coffee.
d) We do not play video games after school.
e) I do not understand the lesson.
f) She does not sing beautifully.

a) Does
b) do
c) Do
d) do

a) Does he like pizza?
b) She does not know the answer.
c) Do they arrive early?
d) He does not play soccer.

a) Does she play the piano?
b) Do they live here anymore?
c) Does he know how to swim?
d) Do you eat meat?

a) Do they study English every day?
b) She does not like watching TV.

a) Does he work in a store?
b) Do you speak Spanish?

a) Does
b) Do
c) Do
d) Does
e) Do

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